Cold Closed Forging Press【MSF-C】

Cold closed forging press【MSF-C】

Cold closed forging press【MSF-C】



【Main specifications of the Cold closed forging press】
Type MSF600 MSF800 MSF1000
Main Ability(kN) 650〜6,500 800〜8,000 1,000〜10,000
Pressing speed(mm/s) 20〜40 20〜40 20〜40
Stroke Length(mm) Max. 300 Max. 300 Max. 300
Open height(mm) 900 1,000 1,000
Slide area(mm)
left and right×front and rear
800×800 950×950 1,050×1,050
Bolster area(mm)
left and right×front and rear
800×900 950×1,100 1,050×1,200
Slide knockout Ability(kN) 150 200 300
Knockout speed(mm/s) 100 100 100
Stroke Length(mm) 30 60 90
Bed Ability(kN) 400~4,000 500~5,000 1,000~9,500
Pressing speed(mm/s) 20〜40 20〜40 20〜40
Stroke Length(mm) Max. 60 Max. 70 Max. 90
Bed knockout Ability(kN) 400 500 1,000
Knockout speed(mm/s) 50 50 50
Stroke Length(mm) Max. 90 Max. 90 Max. 90
Total power(kW) 220 340 340
Type of forging press.
MSF(Output tonnage)-(Type of press)(Number of upper axis)(Number of bottom axis)
Type of press M:Multi-axis more than 3-axis C:Cold forging O:Orbital forging H:Hot forging



  • Improvement of materials stock utilization, reduction of post-processing.

    The design of the optimal deformation process, that product accuracy improved, wasted Burr does not occur, to greatly improve the material stock utilization.
    Then, complete the required minimum post-processing, reduce the number of steps, will lead to cost reductions.

  • Energy saving

    For the parts that need to pressure, from the appropriate direction and pressure to forming, forming load can be reduced.

  • Environmental improvement of working space.

    Compared with hot forging, no heating furnace, so less noise and vibration, improve the work space environment.

  • Labor saving

    For without the need skilled, forming is completed in one step, can be operated in a human operator.


The principle of the method closed forging

  • Closed forging method, material closed state in the mold, push the material in the mold by punch, material will be filled into a mold.

The principle of the method closed forging